I would like to introduce myself as the newest member to the Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre team. I am the new Student Retention...
Math Games
This week at the Key Leads Working Group, we had great fun playing math games. The principals rotated through 5 math centres, playing...
Curriculum Posters
Have we got a curriculum present for you! While many of you teachers were enjoying a much-deserved break (hopefully soaking up sunshine,...
Parent Guide on Bullying
I wanted to share this document I created for parents on Bullying. The guide gives tips and advice on how to help their child if they...
The KERC staff LOVE webinars, weespecially love free webinars. They are a great way to stay up-to-date on new information, gain new ideas...
Mental Health Resource
I have had the opportunity to present to several teachers in the district on Mental Health of Children and Youth. I thought it would be a...
Restorative Practices in School: Building community, strengthening relationships, and repairing harm
This blog is borrowed from the Simcoe District School Board blog What are restorative practices? The term “restorative practices” was...
Community Engagement
I recently came across this interesting and inspiring info graphic from the Northland School Division in Northern Alberta. It supports a...
The FNSSP team would like to welcome you to our first blog post! Our hope is that this blog will be a place for you to find new...