Poetry Month Continued: Book Spine Poetry
In the fall of 2015 the Toronto Blue Jays made the playoffs for the first time in over 20 years, and with this came possibly the most...
April is Poetry Month (part 1)
Poetry… It's not always on the top of students’ lists of favourite topics to cover in school. Many students (AND Teachers) see poetry as...
The Educational Buzzword Curse
Happy New Year! Ready to dive back in? Let’s go!It has been my experience, the education field cycles through lots of different...
Math Games
This week at the Key Leads Working Group, we had great fun playing math games. The principals rotated through 5 math centres, playing...
Summer Institute 2015 Edition
The Staff at Kwayaciiwin are busy preparing for the 6th Annual Summer Institutes!! This year the title is "Inquiry-Based Learning: The...
Parent Guide on Bullying
I wanted to share this document I created for parents on Bullying. The guide gives tips and advice on how to help their child if they...
The KERC staff LOVE webinars, weespecially love free webinars. They are a great way to stay up-to-date on new information, gain new ideas...
Restorative Practices in School: Building community, strengthening relationships, and repairing harm
This blog is borrowed from the Simcoe District School Board blog What are restorative practices? The term “restorative practices” was...
Restorative Practices - Community Approach
Today on CBC Aboriginal they featured a story about a Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, Northern Store manager who started to use principles of...
The FNSSP team would like to welcome you to our first blog post! Our hope is that this blog will be a place for you to find new...