What do you do with a weekend in NZ? As much as you can cram into 2 days! For us, that meant going to the NZ Las Vegas, hiking in a Quarry Park, Boating in the Pacific, Eating Ice Cream at the Mount and of course the beach!
Rotorua could be described as TOURIST heaven- everywhere we turned there were tourists. Maybe we just don't see ourselves as tourists since we are living in a bach in our favourite little beach town? We had a very interesting time in Rotorua- from the Highlander groups playing their bagpipes at War Memorial Park to the GYPSY EXTRAVAGANZA to Eat Streat and Te Puia- words cannot describe the learning we did, the culture and tradition we discovered and all the "tourist-like" things we got to enjoy.
Sunday we headed to the Te Puna Quarry Park where we hiked through the "jungle" of beautiful flowers, trees and plants with some of the most spectacular views of New Zealand so far. We then headed down to Mount Maunganui where we boarded a harbour cruise boat at Pilot Bay Wharf. Not only did we get a history lesson but we had the chance to look for blue penguins and see logs as they were being ready for shipment.
Hope that everyone has a wonderful work week!!