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Pōwhiri: A Beautiful Welcome at Arataki

A pōwhiri (called a pōhiri in eastern dialects, and pronounced pōwiri in the Taranaki-Wanganui area) is a Māori welcoming ceremony involving speeches, dancing, singing and finally the hongi.

Today we were humbled with a sacred welcoming to the Arataki School community. The teachers told us that once this was complete, we were a part of their family and that was final. We couldn't be happier about being part of this family. At the end of the ceremony, we participated in the hongi. Then we gathered for chatter, laughter, tea and treats. The tea tasted as if it had been cooked over the fire and we were ALL sharing how much it tasted like home- right to the tea pot that looks like it belongs on a fire pit up north.

To be part of the Arataki School is to be part of a beautifully cohesive whole in which everyone supports one another and the "growing of their brains" is something invested in. We will be coming back to Northern Ontario richer in humility and eager to share what we have learned.

Spending time interacting with students is something that, as teachers, we all thrive on. Our brains stretch as our students stretch their own. To see the passion for learning amongst these students made us feel at home- 700 questions and no time to wait for answers because there was another question to ask. Our day was filled with watching and interacting with students learning and the teachers in the classroom (Ayn & Kylie), as well as the students, made us feel right at home.

Some funny moments- "Are you Canadian- because I can tell- you have such a funny accent"; "Her name is SANdra, not SONdra" "Why do you say Ant when its really AUNT?" "Do you know your national anthem? Can you sing it right now?" "How many hours did it take you to get here?- WOAH that's more than a day! Are you tired?" "What is 10x10? Canadians are MUCH better at Maths did you know that?"

I hope everyone has as great of a February 22nd as we had here in New Zealand!

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