Levelled libraries are a key component to a successful literacy program. They allow students to access text at a level that they are comfortable with and ensure that all students experience success in reading. Many KERC communities will be receiving mobile levelled libraries for the primary grades in the coming weeks, so here are a few helpful tips and tools to keep in mind when organizing your libraries and using them with your class.
The key to the successful use of levelled libraries is ongoing assessment. Using the DRA or PM benchmark kit in your school, assess all students in your class and record their level. All students should be formally assessed using a diagnostic reading assessment at least twice per year, and struggling readers should be assessed at least three times per year. Make students accountable for their learning and have them track their reading levels throughout the year using a graph like this:
Ensure that you take time to organize your books into bins by level. This will allow students to easily find the appropriate books. If you are using the Fountas and Pinnell levelling system, try printing out these slick looking bin labels (FREE!).
If you are looking to add to your levelled library, but don’t have the funds to order pre-levelled books, try printing books from Learning A-Z (to which all of the KERC schools have been given a subscription) to include in your levelled library like this teacher did.
You can also use apps such as Literacy Leveler and Level It Books, to level books in your existing library - simply scan the barcode and use a permanent marker to write the level on the cover.
Once you have your levelled library cart set up, begin using it in your weekly routine. Ensure that your students are aware of their reading level so that they know which books they should pick from. Try providing each student with a book box or bag in which they can put self-selected books to read during independent reading time - I love how this teacher gave students ownership over their boxes by letting them create their own label!
Happy Reading!!